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UC Irvine Grant
UC Irvine Grants are awarded on the basis of financial need and do not have to be repaid. The Regents of the University of California and the State of California provide funding for UC Irvine Grants. They are awarded to students who demonstrate the greatest financial need and have completed their financial aid application by the published deadlines.
Basic Eligibility Requirements
- Undergraduate students
- Students who are eligible to complete a FAFSA or California Dream Act Application
- U.S. Citizens, eligible non-citizens, or meet AB540 eligibility criteria
Please note: Non-CA Residents admitted effective Fall 2016 and after are not eligible for this grant.
Annual Amount
Varies depending upon need.
Lifetime Limit
- Five years, the equivalent of 15 terms
- Includes terms used at other colleges
- Includes summer terms
Enrollment Requirements
At least half-time status.
Please note: Non-CA Residents admitted effective Fall 2016 and after are not eligible for UC funded grants.