If you are notified that you have not met the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements to continue receiving financial aid, you may appeal to continue receiving aid if you were prevented from meeting the requirement due to extenuating circumstances.
Circumstances we do consider:
- Extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to, prolonged illness or hospitalization, a death in the family or a change of major required by your academic department.
Circumstances we do not consider:
- Extenuating circumstances generally do not include double majors, minors, or participation in an off-campus program (such as EAP or UCDC).
Before submitting an appeal, please review the process and your minimum requirements to continue receiving aid:
- Visiting our website at www.ofas.uci.edu -Select 'Sign In'
- Log into 'Fall 2023 through Summer 2024 - My Aid'
- Select the 'Fall 2023 through Summer 2024' academic year
- Select 'My Academic Status'
When you appeal, you will be asked to indicate the nature of your appeal and to include the reason(s) why you were unable to make academic progress. Also, submit any supporting documentation that would assist in evaluating your extenuating circumstances. This may include, but not be limited to, a statement from your physician or hospital records indicating your or your family member's illness or a death certificate or obituary for a family member. Finally, explain how your situation has changed and would therefore prevent a re-occurrence.
SAP Appeal Request Form - Undergraduate Students
SAP Appeal Submission Instructions - Undergraduate Students
SAP Appeal Request Form - Graduate Students (the appeal form is located at the top of this webpage under 2024-25 Forms).